Greetings Saints! “The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent." Exodus 14:14 ESV. Moses was on Holy ground at the burning bush. As long as he was in the presents of God nothing could harm him naturally or spiritually. God told Moses to take of his shoes and he did. From then on He was protected while he was in the presence of the Lord. During the plagues, and leaving Egypt, God told the Children of Israel to do specific things and they followed them to the letter and they made it out without going to war. Our God is the God of Peace! We are not fighting people we are fighting spirits within people. Which means you are fighting things we are not capable of fighting without the Help of the Lord. We really need to stay in the face of God, be obedient to His Word and become that Holy place were He resides and watch how far He removes Egypt from you, Amen! Pastor Ken Simmons